Nature Play On Vancouver Island

Nature Kindergarten On Vancouver Island

Blocks and Building I was in the classroom on Friday morning dropping off some dramatic play materials I had found through garage sales and  spent some time making adjustments to the learning area for block play. In my small classroom finding space for large hollow blocks has been a challenge, but the value is too high to exclude this important area. Actually if you know me you would probably say that I have an obsession with block play. But this is because of the huge learning opportunities that emerge from this centre. A little side job that I enjoy is designing learning environments  for preschool and kindergarten classrooms. Although this is totally done for the love and satisfaction of design, a couple of teachers decided to give me gift certificates this year  from our local teacher store. I used them to purchase classroom resources, which helped me to purchase the six new hollow blocks. Setting up the   learning area Three key considerations for the block ...