Nature Play On Vancouver Island

Nature Kindergarten On Vancouver Island

Kindness Inquiry

The kindness tree is on display outside of our classroom for the school community to enjoy.

The children have resumed their Kindness Inquiry and have been busy noticing when kindness happens. It is now embedded in our classroom culture. Children are offering to help each other throughout the day and noticing kindness. I have been eavesdropping on their conversations and posting them on their hallway mural. Here are a few examples just from yesterday:

"I can help you carry that" 
"Do you want me to zip that up for you" 
"Let me put that into your backpack for you" 
"Do you want me to go with you to get the ladder" 
"We can share these" 
"I'm sorry that happened, let me get you some ice" 
"Watch out for that worm, he is right on the path" 
"Let's do it together, then it will be fair"
"He is playing alone, can I change centres and play with him"
"Thank you"

On Monday we baked cookies for the two kindergarten classes to celebrate our jar which is overflowing with pom poms (every time a kindness was observed a pom pom was added to the jar and when it was full the children decided to bake cookies for the other K children at school). Yesterday the children painted the kindness tree for our Kindness mural we put in the hall outside our classroom. The little heart leaves are being added to the tree which have quotes of kindness observed throughout the day.

We also have many adults modelling kindness. Yesterday a student caught her finger in the door and two adults were walking past. One offered to get ice and the other came into the room and sat to comfort the student until she was calm.

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